Georges Diouf

ESL 100

October 11, 2022

                                                          Status of my nation

For many years, immigration has become a very regular movement in the world. It can be caused by multiples reasons but usually people immigrate for a better life. For example, there are three types of countries: developed, emerging, and no developed. Senegal, the country where I was born, is between emerging and undeveloped for many reasons such as low level of education, a high rate of unemployment, low standard of living and not many opportunities to succeed. There are not many universities or good universities and not many job opportunities. Seeing this situation in their native country, many Senegalese are trying to get out and go around the developed country to continue their studies or find good paying job. That situation in Senegal has affected my aunt, my father and myself over the past years.

            The low level of education pushed my father to immigrate in the U.S. When he was younger, business was his major of my dad, but there was not business school or university in his time and he absolutely wanted to continue his studies. My grandfather passed away and he was the oldest in his family, so nobody could pay for him his studies or his rent, so he made a lot of bank loans. Because of his numerous loans, he was obligated to work very hard. Even though he was young, he secured three jobs at the same time in addition to his studies. He knew that without these three jobs he would not be able to pay his loans and that could get it in trouble. It was also difficult for him because he made many tests before being accepted by a university.

            However, my father was not the only affected by the low standard of living. His little sister (my aunt) has been affected by this situation in Senegal and like my father she wanted come to the US. After finishing her studies in high school, she decided to come in the US. Her reasons were that she wanted a better life and more chance to succeed in her life. The cost of the university she wanted to attend was very expensive, and my father could not pay it. Therefore, she made a big sacrifice, and she decided to stop her studies for a long time and started to find some jobs. It was not easy for her to find a job because she was undocumented, and it took her long time to get all her administrative document done. Otherwise, her English was good, but she had to face many cases of discrimination which caused her to lose several jobs in the past years. She then found a good job, a husband and she settled permanently here in the US.

            In addition of my father and aunt, I have also been affected by the lack of education in Senegal. I left my home country because I know my future was not guaranteed even though I had graduated from high school. Because of this situation, I came in the U.S five months ago and started a new life. The effects are numerous. Firstly, the trip cost a lot of money for my parents and me because the dollar is higher than the Franc CFA which is the currency in Senegal. That is why I started to work and it is something I have never done before. In addition, it is very difficult to adapt myself because of the language barriers, so sometimes I can’t explain myself or people cannot understand me well. The third effect is that sometimes I feel lonely because I don’t have any members of my family here. Even thought my aunt and I live in the same country, we are not in the same state.

Living in a country underdeveloped it is very difficult, that is why many Senegalese left their home country for a better life. This situation affected my father, my aunt and me. Maybe if all people had the opportunities to live in a developed country, my father, my aunt and I could have stayed in Senegal. However, immigrate for find a better life or job or for any reason can be benefit for people, but there are also some negative effects.


  1. Hi Kevin. I think your essay is very relevant in todays world. Many people are living there home country for better life and a successful career. we have a similar situation currently in our country and many prefer to live outside of the country because of lack of opptunites.


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