My Unique Name

    In China, where I was born, people’s names consist of two or three characters, and a few consist of four characters. My name consists of three characters. A name can follow the elders in a family, or it can be the parents’ hope that their children will have a good personality and life. I come from half an old-fashioned family and half modern. My father’s side is very old-fashioned. Once our family had a newborn baby, my grandmother had a 丹, dan, that she gave to the new baby. At that time, my mother did not like that character and insisted on naming me. Two of the characters of my name were named by my mother. One of the characters is , yi. This character can mean many things, but I think the word means art. I am not good at singing, but I like to listen to music to relax. Sometimes I like singing by myself. The other character is , lin. This character can relate to the forest because I like the smell of the rain, and I like to hike and see the sunset. In conclusion, I like my name, and I also like my mother’s personality because it was not easy to insist on one’s ideas in China at that time for women. She fought for my name. I think I have my unique name because my mother hopes I can stick to my ideas. 


  1. My grandfather gave me a brave name, too! Is so nice your name! And I like listening to music, too!

  2. it is very interesting to see names with three and four characters. i also like to hike and rain. your unique name will help you in many ways.

  3. The smell of the rain is so relaxing ! Your name is a beautiful name Yilin.

  4. what a good story. it's so sweet that your mom give you that name, she want you to be yourself and free.

  5. Hi 艺琳! I like your name and your story because your name gives me a feeling like you are a girl who has gentle temperament.

  6. Hi,Yilin! Your name is so attractive because I especially like the feeling of the forest and the rain. Your name is very attractive.

  7. Wow it is super interesting. Its my first time I heard about names characters. Your name has unique characters with good and inspiring meanings. your name is nice like you:)


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