Georges Diouf

ESL 100


                                                   My name's story


    In 2003, when I was baptized, my parents decided to name me Georges Rene Kevin, Georges was
 my father's father and Rene was my mother's father. They gave me their parents names because in my country SENEGAL, especially among the catholics, it is a tradition because it is a way to honor one's parents. In Africa, names don't really have a meaning in other language or a story behind however, people have to honor their names and do the same thing to make one's parents proud because it is a part of Senegalese culture. The day of the baptism like all baptism in Senegal, my parents organized a party and invited all the family because it is a very great day for all the religion even though they celebrate it differently, that's one particularly of baptism in my country. It is because of all these things that I love and am proud to bear this name.


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