Gabriela Gonzalez

September 20, 2022

ESL 100


                                                                       Teacher name


   The name my parents chose for me is not the most original name, but the story behind it is. One time I asked my grandmother if she knows where my name come from and she said that came from a teacher. I really get confuse when she told me that, so I beg her to tell me the story. She told me that my father did not choose my name just because is pretty. My name was the name of the first love of my father, his teacher. She said that he always came home after class talking about how beautiful she was. He went to school every day because of her. I was surprised by the story since I asked my father before about my name and he said he just chose it because it was pretty. Later on, I told my father about the story my grandmother told me and he said he did not remember that. He also said that my grandmother was a liar for telling me that. I did not believe him, just because maybe he does not want me to feel less special because my name came from another person I have never known. Maybe he does not have any memories left about her. I am not mad at my father because of this story. In fact, I like to think that my name has a funny back story. I am also really glad that my parents chose this name for me, I really like it.



  1. I like the story of your name. Gaby your name is very beautiful name.

  2. If the story is true, I am surprised. Nonetheless, this name is beautiful and has meaning. Sometimes, it is fun that does not follow the rules like anyone else because most people's names are names by their parents or the elder in their family.

  3. parents put the name that they like most be happy for it that it is special.


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