
Showing posts from November, 2022

Help or Helpless

  Yilin Chen   ESL 100   November 11, 2022   Help or Helpless   In the late twentieth century, because of the rapid increase in China’s populat ion, the Chinese government began to implement the One-Child Policy. Until 2013, when the government changed the One-Child Policy, couples could have a second child based on their first being a girl. If they still had a girl, then they were not allowed to have more children. At that time, China was poor. The population was so large, and the control of the population was also for more people to have enough to eat . During that time, many children did not get enough to eat and did not wear warm clothes. Even adults were too skinny. However, there were always people who violated the policy, and my family was one of the families that violated the policy. I did not have a brother, so my father wanted a boy. For many families who did not fo llow the policy, it is a memory that will never be forgotten for them. I understand the One-Child Policy to c

A Reactionary Threat

  Linneker Gonçalves October 7, 2022 ESL 100           A Reactionary Threat No projects for better education, no new ideas to improve the public health system, and no proposals to help the nation’s economy get better. Only hate speech and projects to make it easier for ordinary citizens to get guns. This was how the current president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, won the election in 2018. Since the coup that led to the impeachment of the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, Brazil has been going through serious problems. A conservative and reactionary wave was spreading all over the country, threatening democracy with fake news and hate speech. I remember when the victory of the current president was announced. Fear could be seen in the eyes of people that were part of the minority. My family, friends, and other people I know felt the consequences of the bad administration of this government, which made the lives of poor people and minorities even harder than before. The
  Georges Diouf ESL 100 October 11, 2022                                                            Status of my nation For many years, immigration has become a very regular movement in the world. It can be caused by multiples reasons but usually people immigrate for a better life. For example, there are three types of countries: developed, emerging, and no developed. Senegal, the country where I was born, is between emerging and undeveloped for many reasons such as low level of education, a high rate of unemployment, low standard of living and not many opportunities to succeed. There are not many universities or good universities and not many job opportunities. Seeing this situation in their native country, many Senegalese are trying to get out and go around the developed country to continue their studies or find good paying job. That situation in Senegal has affected my aunt, my father and myself over the past years.             The low level of education pushed my father t

The Land of Smiles

  Supannika Yodsanga  ESLINTG CE 100 The Land of Smiles             The right to vote is the heart of democracy. If people in the country have no right to vote, there will be no democracy. Many tourists who visit Thailand are welcomed with a nice smile. That is why Thailand has a nickname as The Land of Smiles, but who knows that in this land of smiles that many people died for demanding their right to vote. Over a decade ago, also there were many coups happening in Thailand in which many people scarified their lives in political violence events. After the military coup in 2006, the right to vote was taken away from Thai citizens. Thailand got a government under military control, and Thai people were facing an economic decline. There was corruption happening without investigation, and whoever criticized the government was sentenced to jail. Because of injustice and inequality in Thailand, I decided to take action that changed my life forever.                              After the mil

The currency Ban

 Jaico George ESL INTG 100 November 6, 2022 Final Draft  Essay 2                                                                 The Currency Ban      When I woke up one day in 2016 from my bed, I realized the money I had was worth only a piece of paper. Initially my family could not believe what just happened. The night before, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi had decided to ban 500- and 1000- rupee (Indian Money) currency notes. Soon I realized that the whole nation was shocked just as my family was, and no one knew what to do. I knew this would have a massive effect on the economy and on common people like my family. My parents were concerned about what they just heard from the news and asked our neighbors about whether its true. The 2016 currency devaluation was something that had happened without any warning, and my family was affected by this. Since my family was middle class, and they were paid with cash, losing the value of the money meant that we were in danger of losing e

People's Efforts in 1997 _ Jookyoung Oh

  Jookyoung Oh Professor Michal Eskayo ESLTING 100 November 2, 2022   People's Efforts in 1997 All the people in this story were about my age at that time, but they were all people who never gave up. On December 3, 1997, the South Korean economy crashed because people withdraw foreign capital was withdrawn a lot. In addition, many companies were closed, and Korea's foreign exchange decreased rapidly. The government was forced to ask the IMF for emergency funds. At that time, many companies were also closed, and many families experienced difficult economic conditions. This caused many of the oldest daughters and sons in the family to go and earn money to help their parents regardless of if they graduated from high school or not. Moreover, there were many cases where the heads of families who lost their jobs or suffered from them took their own lives. In addition, there were many unfortunate cases in which the family collapsed because of money. My grandparent’s and